Can I switch between CircuitPython, MicroPython, IDF or even Arduino IDE? You can switch between each development environment, but each time you will need to put your board into download mode... feathers2 feathers2-neo feathers3 nanos3 pros3 tinys2 tinys3
Code in C# on your Unexpected Maker ESP32-S2 & ESP32-S3 boards! nanoFramework is a free and Open Source platform that enables the writing of managed code applications for constrained embedded devices....
How can I get my board into SAFE MODE using CircuitPython? If you ever find you have gotten your board into a bad state with CircuitPython – Maybe you accidentally got... circuitpython
How do I update CircuitPython? If you currently have CircuitPython installed on your UM board, first download the .UF2 file of the CircuitPython version you...
I updated CircuitPython on my board and now it wont boot, or some pin names are missing. When you download CircuitPython updates, especially for the Feather format boards, there are some boards that have close naming, but... circuitpython
No drive is mounted after I flash MicroPython on to my board That is the correct behaviour. On the ESP32, MicroPython presents itself as a serial port, not as a mounted USB... micropython
Sometimes I get an OS error when copying CircuitPython UF2 firmware onto my board There is a known issue where the firmware is copied and then the board reboots itself before your OS thinks... circuitpython micropython
Using your board with Arduino & PlatformIO All unexpected Maker boards are supported in the Arduino IDE, and using them is the same as using any other... arduino platformio
What dev environment are UM boards shipped with? All of my ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C6 development boards ship with CircuitPython on them. My TinyPICO boards ship with MicroPython...
What tools can I use to access the MicroPython REPL and copy code over? The official tool for working with MicroPython is called mpremote. It’s made and maintained by the MicroPython developers, and works... circuitpython micropython