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  3. I’ve plugged in a new TinyPICO but it doesn’t show as a serial port

I’ve plugged in a new TinyPICO but it doesn’t show as a serial port

The TinyPICO V2 uses a SiLabs CP2104 to connect the USB to the PICO-D4, so you need to make sure you have the driver installed. You can grab the latest drivers from from the SiLabs website.

The TinyPICO V3 uses a CH9102F to connect the USB to the PICO-D4, so you need to make sure you have the driver installed. You can grab the latest drivers from the WCH website.

Boards that ship with the CH9102F SerialUART chip have a lable on the bag indicating this, but to identify which chip your board uses from the TinyPICO itself, boards with a Blue power LED use the CH9102F chip, and all others use the CP2104 chip.

Once the driver is installed (you may need a reboot your computer) the TinyPICO should appear as a serial/COM port and also appear in the Arduino IDE and as a device on your computer in the following formats:

macOS (TinyPICO V2): /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART

macOS (TinyPICO V2): /dev/tty.wchusbserialXXX where x is the index of the USB device

Linux (TinyPICO V2): /dev/ttyUSBx where x is the index of the USB device

Linux (TinyPICO V3): /dev/ttyACM0

Windows: COMn where n is the port number assigned by Windows

Updated on July 31, 2023

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